Basic AF Episode 007 – Apple Music Classical with Kirk McElhearn

The great Kirk McElhearn joins us for an in-depth discussion on Apple Music Classical

The great Kirk McElhearn joins us for an in-depth discussion on Apple Music Classical. Kirk is a long time tech writer, having contributed to Macworld, and TidBits, he’s written documentation for several applications you’ve probably used as well as several titles in the TakeControl series of books. In this episode Kirk ups our game and musical vocabulary re: Apple Music Classical as well as cracking wise about tech-bro hero worship, the owner of Twitter, and the finer points of 70s, smash-mouth hockey. You’re in for a great ride.

In this episode:

  • GM ditching CarPlay and reactions are not great

  • Apple TV 4K Multiview in beta

  • Steve Jobs

  • AI and ChatGPT

  • Kirk on Apple Music Classical

  • How to approach Classical music

  • Talking Games

Links from the show:

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